The Light will shine through!
Sep 17, 2020It is scary to bare one's soul. It is also very liberating though.
We are accustomed to putting our 'best foot forward', to show up as the 'unphased, perfect me', that at times we get lost in the picture we show to the world.
So, there is the picture the world sees, and
there is the picture hidden deep down, the one we think we are.
What is hidden in the GAP between the two? The authentic 'me' begging release?
Recent times have really challenged us, and I wondered, "How does one write an article that could be a comfort to all the readers, when each one is so different?
Some are older, some younger.
Some are prosperous, others struggling.
Some are brown, others white, black, red, yellow.
Some bosses, others employees.
What then can possibly appeal to ALL?
That we ALL want a sense of inner peace and calm, and a promise of 'everything is going to be okay' That it is also okay to admit, "I am not okay".
We will find our answer in the GAP, there where our authentic Higher Self is patiently waiting to endow us with a sense of inner peace, calm and clarity, and an inner knowing that , "I am going to be okay".
Things have certainly not always panned out as planned in my life, and at times looked very bleak. Discovering the spiritual path many years ago saved the day for me, because it impacted every area of my life in the most amazing ways. My business, my relationships, my finances, etc, all improved in some positive way. Now, when I get out of sorts I find my way to that inner space of refuge, my inner sanctuary - to release and rest, and return revitalized, calm, and at peace.
Ready again to deal with... whatever is next.
It is okay not to be brave all the time. It is okay to acknowledge that sometimes we feel fragile and afraid. It is okay to reach out for help. No one is an island. We need each other.
It's only because I've been there, that I can say to you - there is always another way. The Light will shine through!
If you are experiencing turmoil and anxiety in your life right now, reach out and let's figure out 'another way' for you. Let's talk.
Send me a message on my email at [email protected] and I will get in touch with you.
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