Stop and Think
Dec 31, 2018I am a seeker. I am always asking questions. Always trying to understand why? How? What?
Many years ago, when I did industrial property broking, part of what I did was to go into various factories to view or measure or prepare a property for sale or leasing. This allowed me insights into the manufacturing and engineering world. In wondering around these factories, it always amazed me at the ingenuity displayed in the processes. The fact that somewhere, someone had conceived of an idea, figured out the process which led to a completed product, now used around the world – part of the cog in the big wheel. We don’t generally give thought to ‘how something’ sitting on the shelf, was made.
I am sitting on a chair on the porch, typing away on my computer, drinking a cup of tea and see a car passing by – every action involving a product that has involved thousands of ‘others’ labor to enable me to be productive and enjoy…whatever.
First, a thought, to the drawing board, to the factory, and hey presto!
Not many of us think about this, do we? So, what is the point?
How much we take for granted; how we seldom give thought to what goes on behind the scenes; the many faces involved behind the product. ‘The stuff’’ have taken over – the human factor behind the stuff, forgotten.
The fact that every working person is somehow contributing to the bigger picture and every ‘user’ is contributing towards ‘a plate of food’ on someone’s table, makes everyone relevant, doesn’t it?
Who on earth thinks like this? I do. For most it is probably too mundane, boring or not comfortable, but as a society we have become so obsessed with ‘things/ stuff’ – not that there is anything wrong with stuff, but that we give no thought to ‘the person’, the us – for it is the ‘us’. We’re all in this together.
We need one another. The next person you pass by - whether top executive, business owner, or the guy in overalls in the factory, or…or… or… because we are all necessary parts to the melting pot that humanity is, deserves a nod, or at least eye contact or some form of acknowledgement of their ‘being” a part of the Whole.
The Point?
Let’s acknowledge each other for the role each is playing so we can live our comfortable lives. Let’s acknowledge each other and give THANKS, just because ‘we are’, and,
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Not one is exempt from the Law of Spirit. Therein lies our ‘Oneness’.